pleurer = to cry, to weep, to lament
e.g. il pleure pour un rien = he cries at the slightest thing
pleurnicher = to whine, to snivel
e.g. arrête de pleurnicher! = stop whining!
un pleurnichard (the 'd' is silent) or pleurnicheur / une pleurnicheuse = a cry-baby
Which leads me to today's news: French workers are cry-babies. You have to love the illustration there.
(thanks Corina for the link)
e.g. il pleure pour un rien = he cries at the slightest thing
pleurnicher = to whine, to snivel
e.g. arrête de pleurnicher! = stop whining!
un pleurnichard (the 'd' is silent) or pleurnicheur / une pleurnicheuse = a cry-baby
Which leads me to today's news: French workers are cry-babies. You have to love the illustration there.
(thanks Corina for the link)
Labels: french word pleurer pleurnicheur