Monday, April 25, 2005

Hairy Expressions

un cheveux, des cheveux = hair

Some random expressions:
couper les cheveux en quatre = to split hairs (literally to split hairs in four)
s'arracher les cheveux = to pull one's hair
tenir à un cheveu = to be a close call
avoir un cheveu sur la langue = to have a lisp (literally to have a hair on the tongue)
arriver or tomber comme un cheveu sur la soupe = to come at an awkward moment (literally to come like a hair on soup)
se faire des cheveux blancs = to worry oneself to death (literally to grow white hair)
avoir mal aux cheveux = to be hungover (literally to have "hairache")
être tiré par les cheveux = to be far-fetched (literally to be pulled by the hair)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you spell it out phonetically? Just because some of us aren't French speakers.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Mandor said...

Duly noted - I tend to forget, but I'll instruct one of my two functioning braincells to remember this :)

9:06 PM  

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