mouiller = to wet (pronounced moo - yay)
se mouiller = to get wet, to wet oneself
For example:
mouiller le maillot = to give one's best (in sports. un maillot = a shirt or jersey)
ça mouille! = it rains!
il a les cheveux mouillés = his hair is wet
les mouillettes (feminine) are thin, finger-like pieces of bread that one can use to dip into un œuf à la coque (boiled egg):
se mouiller = to get wet, to wet oneself
For example:
mouiller le maillot = to give one's best (in sports. un maillot = a shirt or jersey)
ça mouille! = it rains!
il a les cheveux mouillés = his hair is wet
les mouillettes (feminine) are thin, finger-like pieces of bread that one can use to dip into un œuf à la coque (boiled egg):