Wednesday, January 17, 2007


sans = without (the final 's' is silent)

e.g.: il est parti sans moi = he left without me
j'aime mon café sans sucre = I like my coffee without sugar

And a few nouns / adjectives:
  • un/une sans-cœur = a heartless person (can also be an adjective)
  • un/une sans-culotte = sans-culottes (literally without pants). The term is used to refer to the working-class that led the French Revolution, not because they ran around naked, but because they wore pantalons instead of the fancier culottes
  • un/une sans-emploi = unemployed (literally without a job)
  • un sans-faute = a faultless ("without a fault") performance
  • un/une sans-gêne = a bad-mannered person (literally without embarrassment)
  • une/une sans-le-sou = a penniless person. Un sou = a penny/a cent, to refer to a small amount of money. 1/100 of a Euro is called un centime



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