chier (
shee - ay) = to shit
Used in a variety of expressions:
faire chier quelqu'un = to piss someone off, e.g.:
tu me fais chier! = you're pissing me off!
se faire chier = to be bored, e.g.:
je me fais chier! = I'm really bored
envoyer quelqu'un chier = to tell someone to piss off
en chier = to go through something difficult, e.g.:
j'en ai chié pour finir ce livre = finishing this book was painful
ça va chier des bulles! = there'll be hell to pay! (literally "
it will shit bubbles")
ça chie dans la colle = something's not working (literally "
it's shitting in glue")
And of course:
un chieur / une chieuse = someone who's a pain in the butt