Au pif
(un) pif (peef)= slang for nose / intuition, hunch
au pif = by chance, roughly (when estimating)
E.g. au pif, je dirais qu'il est 17h = I'd guess it's roughly 5PM
il a un gros pif = he's got a big nose
Also, Pif is the name of a famous dog that appeared in numerous comic magazines for about 40 years, until the early 90's. Pif Gadget was the most famous format, a weekly comic book not only narrating the adventures of Pif and sidekick Hercule, but offering a "gadget" with each issue (plastic toys, tools for practical jokes,...).

Check out:
After a gap of over 10 years, Pif Gadget has been back in book stores for about a year.
au pif = by chance, roughly (when estimating)
E.g. au pif, je dirais qu'il est 17h = I'd guess it's roughly 5PM
il a un gros pif = he's got a big nose
Also, Pif is the name of a famous dog that appeared in numerous comic magazines for about 40 years, until the early 90's. Pif Gadget was the most famous format, a weekly comic book not only narrating the adventures of Pif and sidekick Hercule, but offering a "gadget" with each issue (plastic toys, tools for practical jokes,...).

Check out:
After a gap of over 10 years, Pif Gadget has been back in book stores for about a year.
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